Feedback to Pakistan Minorities Teachers' Association
1. Letter to Anjum James Paul from Secretary Punjab Textbook Board, Lahore, No. 114-C.C, Dated February 04, 2006, Subject: Corrections and suggestions in the Intermediate English Book-I and Book III, Edition 2005
2. Letter to Chairman PMTA from Mr. Fakhar Cheema, Deputy Secretary (VIII), No. DS(VIII) CMS/07/OT-47/160076, Dated February 06,2007, Subject: Unavailability of Ethics and Civics compulsory books Chief Minister’s Secretariat, Punjab,
3. Letter to Chairman PMTA from Mr. Javed Hasan Aly , Team Leader, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Education, Policy and Planning Wing, National Education Policy Review Team, Islamabad ,Dated February 10,2007, Subject: Feedback on the White Paper on Education in Pakistan
4. Letter to Chairman PMTA from Mr. S. Tajammal Hussain Shah, Assistant Educational Advisor, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Education, (Curriculum Wing), Islamabad, Dated The 26th February, 2007, No. F.3-17/2007-IE, Subject: Comments on Education Policy/ Curriculum Reforms
5. Letter to Chairman PMTA from Mr. S. Tajammal Hussain Shah, Assistant Educational Advisor, Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Education, (Curriculum Wing), Islamabad, Dated September 19, 2007, No. F.3-17/2007-IE, Subject: Notification for the subject of Ethics for the students of Minorities in the educational institutions.
6. Letter to Chairman PMTA Prof. Anjum James Paul from Mr. Muhammad Hussain, Director (A-I), President’s Secretariat (Public), President’s House, Islamabad , Dated 23rd October,2008, Control No.21486/2008/P-III
7. Letter to Chairman PMTA from Mr. Kamran Michael, Minister for Human Rights and Minority Affairs, Punjab, Dated 04th November, 2008 No. PS/MIN/HR&M/496/2008, Subject: Issuance of syllabus in the subject of Ethics for 5th and 8th class
8. Letter to Chairman PMTA from Section Officer (S-VII) Government of the Punjab, School Education Department, Lahore with the comments of Director(C.W.), Punjab Textbook Board, Lahore Dated December 17,2008 No.SO(S-VII) 1-9/2007 Subject: Issuance of syllabus in the subject of Ethics for 5th and 8th class
9. Letter to Chairman PMTA from Schools Education Department Section (ER) Dated December 20, 2008 No. SO(ER)9-11/2008, Subject: Issuance of syllabus in the subject of Ethics for 5th and 8th class
10. Letter to Chairman PMTA from Ministry of Human Rights, Government of Pakistan Dated November 27, 2008 F.No.13 (27)/2008-LA, Subject: Respect for religions in the textbooks of Pakistan.
11. Letter to Chairman PMTA from Ministry of Education, Government of Pakistan Dated March 12, 2009 No F.3-17/2008-IE, Subject: Respect for religions in the textbooks of Pakistan.