The Daily Chitral Times
October 09, 2006
The Editor
The “Chitral Times”
Subject:-Unavailability of Ethics and Civics compulsory books for the students of Religious Minorities
Pakistan Religious Minorities Teachers Association (PMTA) wants to draw the attention of the concerned corners on the subjects of Ethics and Civics which are compulsory for the students of Religious Minorities according to the scheme of studies for the Secondary and Intermediate Examinations but we are sorry to say that Punjab Text Book Board has never published these books which are compulsory for the students of Religious Minorities. All citizens are equal according to the Constitution of Pakistan 1973 but there is deliberately discrimination in the curriculum with the students of Religious Minorities which is violation of their fundamental rights.
A book was written by Professor Muhammad Ali Chaudhry on ‘Basic Civics (Compulsory)’ for Intermediate Classes for Non Muslim students 22 years ago in December 1984 that was published by Amin Book Depot, Urdu Bazar, Lahore. This book is not available in the market now.
Is it possible for a student to appear in the examination without knowing the syllabus and without having a book? Who has to be the voice of these voiceless students? Are there not any educationists from the Religious Minorities to prepare the Book of ‘religion/s’ So that the students may come to know at least something about their religion/s? Is it a crime to know the fundamental teachings of their own religion/s? Is this not violation of the constitution of Pakistan 1973 which guarantees their fundamental rights? Is a moderate society possible without it when they are ignored on the religious ground?
PMTA requests the concerned authorities to take prompt action on this serious issue and eradicate the genuine problem of the students belonging to Religious Minorities so that the students may have books well in time.
Prof. Anjum James Paul
Pakistan Minorities Teachers Association (PMTA)
51/GB Samundri, Dist. Faisalabad