Thursday, August 27, 2009

Letter published in the Daily Times

The Daily Times
Sunday, October 08, 2006

Minority mess-up
Sir: The Pakistan Religious Minorities Teachers Association (PMTA) wishes to draw the attention of concerned corners on the subjects of Ethics and Civics, which are compulsory for the students of Religious Minorities according to the scheme of studies for the Secondary and Intermediate Examinations. However, it is sad that the Punjab Text Book Board has never published books which are compulsory for the students of Religious Minorities. All citizens are equal according to the Constitution of Pakistan 1973, but there is deliberate discrimination in the curriculum with regards to students of Religious Minorities. A book written by Professor Muhammad Ali Chaudhry on ‘Basic Civics (Compulsory)’ for Intermediate Classes for Non Muslim students 22 years ago in December 1984 is no longer available in the market.
How is it possible for a student to appear in the examination without knowing the syllabus or having access to the text required for preparation? Are there no educationists from the Religious Minorities willing to prepare a book on minority ‘religions’, so that students can learn something about their own faiths also? How is it possible to achieve a moderate society without the minorities being made to feel secure in following and learning about their own faiths?